RCVRY Wristband Packs - Order Today And Get FREE Shipping!
as low as just $9.99!
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Warning, Choose RCVRY wristbands are known to inspire and bring you a smile on your face. Only grab some if you want to freaking rock your recovery and inspire others to do the same!
Choose Inspire a Better Story And Spread the Love!
Choose to Inspire a Better Story and Spread the Love!
The Perfect Inspiration
Ongoing Recovery
Each pack comes with 4 unique wristband designs, a sticker, and coordinating note of encouragement card... all from our local recovery community!
So many of us have been through hell and created hell, but we don't have to be defined by that hell!
We're taking inspiration to another level with this one! Every band is designed by our friends in recovery here in Alaska! Plus, they are packaged and shipped out by those needing work as they transition through treatment and sober housing with Freedom House in Soldotna, Alaska! So when you support these Choose RCVRY bands, you're giving back on SOOO many levels!
Grab some for yourself, others in your recovery meeting, church, family members, heck even your neighbor,  or actually that one dude in the store that looks like he could use some encouragement! Point is, these things are super easy to spread hope together! Let's freaking change the world with them! We're based in Alaska and want to keep spreading these things all over the world!
The Perfect Inspiration
Ongoing Recovery
Each pack comes with 4 unique wristband designs, a sticker, and coordinating note of encouragement card... all from our local recovery community!
So many of us have been through hell and created hell, but we don't have to be defined by that hell!
We're taking inspiration to another level with this one! Every band is designed by our friends in recovery here in Alaska! Plus, they are packaged and shipped out by those needing work as they transition through treatment and sober housing with Freedom House in Soldotna, Alaska! So when you support these Choose RCVRY bands, you're giving back on SOOO many levels!
Grab some for yourself, others in your recovery meeting, church, family members, heck even your neighbor, or actually that one dude in the store that looks like he could use some encouragement! Point is, these things are super easy to spread hope together! Let's freaking change the world with them! We're based in Alaska and want to keep spreading these things all over the world!
Why Us?
Are we Legit?
We are an online apparel company in Alaska and everyone involved in the Choose RCVRY brand is in and involved in recovery!
  •  We're Living Out Recovery As Well
  •  We Mentor Others in Recovery every day
  •   We Ship Daily out of Soldotna, Alaska Nationwide
  • These bands help support recovery with Freedom House in Soldotna, Alaska
  • Let's Change this World Together!
Why Us?
Are we Legit?
We are an online apparel company in Alaska and everyone involved in the Choose RCVRY brand is in and involved in recovery!
  • We're Living Out Recovery As Well
  •  We Mentor Others in Recovery every day 
  •  We Ship Daily out of Soldotna, Alaska Nationwide
  •  Bands support recovery w/ Freedom House -Soldotna, Alaska
  • Let's Change this World Together!
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